"Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am M T (naam verander deur my) and i am devoice my husband left me ... and i am now left to bring up my three children on my own ... Also i am about to lose my home the only home we ever had, because i fail to pay the mortgage. I am presently out of a job ... I will like to ask you to prayer for me and my family i believe in GOD very much and i believe its not by guess i found you and your web site, i also want to ask that you lift up my .. son Marv in prayers ... I am also requesting prayers for my two daughters who have to deal with their father turning his back on them. PLEASE help us i feel like i am at the end of my rope! Respectfully, M T
Maria van Granada
Name van persone met gebedsversoeke is verander om hul privaatheid te beskerm. Gebedsversoeke is ook verkort in sommige gevalle.
Rosti van Kamaroen
"I have a brother by name Gilly Who has an unknown mental problem for the past 8 years now. He wasn't given birth to like that until after completing class 7, he went to live with an uncle after which he return with this problem. i came across pastor Elmer Grobler message that everyone has a purpose on earth that he or she must accomplish, i then realized that my brother Gilly too has to accomplish his own as God has made it. I therefore beg that when praying u put him i prayers as we are also praying for him. thanks rosti"
"God bless you for praying. I kindly request you to pray for me on
the following points:
1/ I am not married upto now; the Holy Spirit says "wait for me; don't complain
saying 'I am getting aged' I know your age, etc  When I attempt to go by myself
as I wish, HE stops me by making me sick upto the edge of death. My friends have offsprings who join University this year.
2/ I can't manage my money: I always suffer from shortage of money being a manager
3/ I don't have job satisfaction; I was obliged by my God to stay in a low
land place where the temperature reaches 40 C for about 22 years. then after, God told me to go out and could come to the Capital City.
In conclusion, I request you to pray for me on marriage and better job,
Faithfully yours Tom"
Tom van Ethiopië
Norman van Micronesië
"Thank your very much, (vir die epos) Please continue praying for me I need help."
Ons het hierdie epos ontvang van 'n Moslem persoon van Bosnia-Herzegovina. Hy het gelees tot by die plek waar hy 'n oorgawe moes maak, maar het nie daarvoor kans gesien nie. Bid asseblief vir sy redding.

"Dear Elmer, I just want to tell you that you made few good points on your webpage, i read it all through even though i am a muslim. :) All except the last prayer anyway. Well, just wanted to thank you for brilliant insight into christianity. I never figured before what trinity meant. :O Although i am still young, have many other things to learn about my religion, for which i, rest assured, think its right. Our religions aren't that different at all. One God is that what connects us. Selam. Best regards from Bosnia."
Ben van Bosnia
Mentu van Ethiopië

Thank U For your consideration. IN Ethiopia where most of us grown in a family of fanatic Orthodox church, It is difficult to accept Jesus as only savior. So pray for me again and again to be part of the only savior. thank u again
Tesfo van Ethiopië

Dear sister and brothers, I am need help from you to praying for me. I am in same problem. I have problem of communication. People not understand me the way of I thinking. Most of the time miss understanding with the people reach on bad disseion because of this every time I am sad. Any way God knows me. Any way please pray for me God give me skill of good communication. Thank you. God be with you you ...
Adan van Ethiopië

Dear Mr Elmer Glober, I read How to fulfill Your Dream part 1 and went to part 2. But I couldn't finish the 2nd one due to many reasons. 1. It is too long comparing to the 1st one, and English is the 2nd language for me which I'm not good of it 
2.  The concept it holds is not new. I mean I have heard such things here and there, now and then. But any
(none) of them could change my life and thinking.
    All religious /christian/ people talk the same thing, but the reality is different. For your surprise I "accepted" Jesus Christ as my savior and baptized. But am not different in thinking and deed from others who are not Christians.
    On this mail you mention about death. Is that achievable for the person like me at this instant. How it would be good if it is so. Why do you try to frighten me?If it comes, it will be such a relief. I don't care about the judgement of the Lord. I have tried a lot to get the true path and get my self as he wishes.The willing and the act is here and there too far
(from) each other. I want to thank you for your praying.
Danny van Britse Virgin Eilande

Tank you all. Please (I) am confused about how thing is going on with me presently. thanx
Mary van Botswana

Dear Elmer Please pray for my brothers and sisters for a breakthrough coz we have put up our property as a lodge for sale and i know God will make a way coz He is faithfull.  Thank you God bless.
Why Revival Tarries

Please pray with us for the publication and distribution of the book, Why Revival Tarries. This book contains the vision and the message the Lord has entrusted to us for the Church. We acknowledge that the message of this book is the object of an intense spiritual war that will require the prayers and prayer warfare of the children of God. Please support  us in prayer.

Elmer and Nansie Grobler.

An electronic version of the book may be downloaded from the link below: www.sepprograms.com/publications/Whenrevivaltarries.pdf